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Data security is essential in today’s business landscape

Data security is essential in today’s business landscape

In a highly competitive corporate world, business leaders are always looking for ways they can modernize their operations and stay viable for years to come. Often, this is a matter of data center transformation – the idea is that with agile, scalable ways of managing and accessing data, people will be more productive, and their employers will be able to adapt quickly to whatever comes their way.

But of course, none of this transformation has any chance of being effective long-term unless companies also prioritize one other key value – security.

There’s never been a tougher time to maintain security than right now. IT as we know it is changing rapidly – companies are adopting cloud platforms, they’re developing new applications, and they’re finding new ways to accelerate time to market with their products and services. It’s often difficult to handle security concerns in an environment that’s so volatile – but it’s also vital.

Luckily, Microsoft Azure comes with a number of built-in features that make it easier for companies to adapt on the fly and remain secure at the same time. These features include governance capabilities that help with proactively applying security policies, monitoring that gives you real-time security analytics, and automation that makes it easy to address future security concerns in an efficient manner. All told, Azure users can sleep easy knowing their cloud data will be secure and well managed.

Not only is Azure likely a perfect fit for your cloud needs, but in addition, Zones has a number of partners whose security products can mesh well with Azure in your environment. For starters, McAfee’s MVISION Cloud is designed to enforce cloud security policies across all endpoints, guaranteeing you a seamless and unified data protection experience with little risk of data loss. You’ll be able to handle all of your organization’s security needs through a single centralized orchestration platform.

Trend Micro is another global leader in cloud security that can play a supporting role. Trend Micro’s security solutions are designed to reduce your security management costs by consolidating multiple security capabilities in a single product. It includes automation to quickly detect new instances in your environment and protect against them when necessary. This means your organization will be safeguarded at all times, even during periods of flux when you’re scaling up your IT efforts.

At Zones, we pride ourselves on making the most of all of these partnerships and more. We understand that digital transformation is essential for any company looking to stay competitive in 2020 and beyond, and that maintaining a security is a basic prerequisite for that. That’s why we pledge to make securing your data our No. 1 priority.

If you’re ready to bolster your company’s data security, you’re in the right place. Click the link below to get started.

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