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What technology does your business need to weather COVID-19?

What technology does your business need to weather COVID-19?

At any forward-thinking place of business, workplace modernization is a constant point of emphasis. Great leaders know that when you invest in high-quality devices and apps for your employees, it keeps them happy, engaged, and highly productive. Everyone wins – employees are better off, and the business thrives as well.

But sometimes, you’ve got to adapt your strategies when it comes to implementing new technology. You might think your approach is working one day, then circumstances change the next, and you have to shift gears.

Case in point: This year, the growing coronavirus crisis has caused businesses all over the world to rethink their IT strategies. The smart ones aren’t panicking – they’re just getting creative about how they allocate resources.

Here’s one great example. According to CNBC, the retail technology company Shopify is providing its employees with a $1,000 stipend they can use to buy office supplies and IT products that can help them transition to working from home during the COVID-19 pandemic. Whether it’s a lamp, an office chair, or a new laptop, the company’s employees can buy whatever they need to get through this period of crisis.

“We have been keeping a close eye on COVID-19 and have been making regional specific decisions since January,” said Brittany Forsyth, chief talent officer at Shopify. “But as things progressed, and as we learned more about the impact on our people and communities, we felt the time was now to make a decision.”

Is your organization in a similar boat? Are you thinking about making new investments in IT that will help your employees get through these trying times? If so, we’ve got a few suggestions.

  • Sleek mobile devices: When your people are working remotely, they can benefit greatly from having portable devices that can help them stay productive from any location. Ideally, you wouldn’t be investing just in the devices themselves, but also in mobile device management (MDM) capabilities that can keep everyone’s devices well managed and secure.
  • Remote collaboration technology: Your people may be remote, but they still need to conduct meetings and work together on projects if they’re going to be successful. So why not invest in solutions that can help? Whether it’s unified communications (UC) solutions for chatting among team members, or cloud solutions that help people store and share files, a little bit of collaboration technology can go a long way.
  • A strong corporate network: If your network is in good working order, people will still be able to access their data and work efficiently, even if they go weeks or months without reporting to the office in person. Does your business need to make a few tweaks to its current network configuration, or do you need to go all out and implement a new system? What about security – are there improvements you can make?

For all of these questions and more, the experts at Zones are here to provide answers. One area where we specialize is in Workplace Modernization – we outfit organizations like yours with the devices, apps, and services they need to stay productive, even during trying times. No matter what curveballs come your way, we’ll make sure your people stay happy and your business, successful.

How can our Workplace Modernization services support your business? Explore our website and find out.

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