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Managing your data in 2020 requires expert IT service

Managing your data in 2020 requires expert IT service

The events of 2020 have been challenging for businesses in a great number of ways. Corporate leaders have been forced to change everything – including where people work, how they work, how they communicate, collaborate, and more. But there’s one other area where companies have changed course dramatically, and while it’s perhaps not talked about as much, it’s nonetheless vital – that would be data center transformation.

There’s been a lot of talk about people adjusting to the “new normal,” with more employees working remotely as ever. But under the radar, data centers have had to make this adjustment as well. According to a new study from Park Place Technologies, entitled “From the New Normal to the Next Normal in the Data Center,” companies today are going to have to change the way they manage data in light of COVID-19 and the concurrent changes they’re making to business practices. Managing data and maintaining it will require a new approach.

“The global coronavirus pandemic revealed gaps in data centers’ business continuity planning,” the report stated. “Faced with a rapidly changing, enduring worldwide crisis – which confounded preparations designed primarily for isolated, short-term emergencies – IT leaders have come to realize the ‘new normal’ will remain a moving target for months to come.”

For one thing, the pandemic of 2020 has shed a light on companies’ need for “future-proofing” for their data. It’s shown them that adversity can come quickly, and often without warning, and therefore companies need to have ways of managing their data that are nimble and easily adaptable. On top of that, risk mitigation is now top of mind – IT leaders must have a prioritized list of maintenance objectives that ensures their most important data will be their most secure, and that business continuity will never be in jeopardy.

All of this is a lot to handle. But at Zones, we specialize in helping you handle it. We offer a wide variety of Data Center & Cloud Managed Services​ that are designed to make the whole process easier. Our experts will focus on keeping your data secure at all times, whether it’s in a data center or up in the cloud.

With our Backup as a Service offering, we will make sure you always have contingency plans if access to your data is disrupted. Our services include assistance with scheduling, kickoff, restart, and maintenance of your backups. We also offer Patch Management, a comprehensive service that covers Windows operating systems, network devices, servers, and end user equipment. And finally, our additional Managed Services include 24/7 help with data center operations, as well as the operation of cloud and hybrid environments. We use remote operations strategies as well as automation tools to ensure our services are highly cost-effective.

As always, Data Center Transformation is a key focus of ours at Zones. But, crucially, we understand that the game is changing. To meet the changing needs of your data in 2020 and beyond, you can turn to us. We can deliver the services and the expertise required to keep your business going strong.

Want to know more about the Data Center Transformation services we offer? Just keep exploring our website.

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