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Implementing new devices? Be sure to recycle the old ones

Implementing new devices? Be sure to recycle the old ones

For the typical business today, there are many benefits to workplace modernization. When you invest in new and improved devices for your team members, you give them the ability to achieve at a higher level every single day. This can potentially add substantially to your bottom line.

It does raise a key question, though. Once you’ve acquired all those new devices, what do you do with the old ones?

You can’t just throw them out – that process would be time-consuming, wasteful, and also raise questions about data security. What you need is a smart, systematic way of getting rid of old devices as you adopt new ones.

Luckily, Dell Technologies has a solution to this problem. Dell is one of the largest technology providers in the world, and it’s not just focused on selling computers – the company is also committed to protecting customers and protecting the planet. To that end, Dell provides secure recycling solutions for clients worldwide, helping them responsibly get rid of their machines.

Let’s walk through that process, step by step:

  • Asset removal: When you replace old devices, the first step is simply getting them off the premises. For that, Dell offers asset removal services that are up to the job. They handle the pick-up logistics for any owned or leased hardware, which will surely save your team time and energy. You can instead allocate that bandwidth toward leading your business forward with new technology.
  • Data security: You can’t just throw your devices away – there’s a great deal of valuable data on them, and that data is still vulnerable to theft, even after you’ve retired the devices from use. You also have to worry about compliance with the NIST SP 800-88 standard, which governs data security on old devices. With Dell’s data sanitization process, you can dispose of our data quickly and securely.
  • Recycling or resale: Ultimately, when it’s time to get rid of your devices, you have two options. One is simply recycling them, which is a clean and eco-friendly way to dispose of them. Alternatively, if the devices still have value, you might consider reselling them! Dell has services for that – they’ll pick up your hardware, ship it to their facilities, sanitize it, and help you resell it to a third party for the best price possible.

In all of these efforts, Zones is proud to be a partner. We have a strong commitment to environmental sustainability – we work hard to help our clients become as efficient and as profitable as possible, but we do so in a way that helps them reduce their impact on the planet. And thanks to our close partnership with Dell, we’re perfectly well positioned to assist in the process of upgrading your devices and recycling old ones.

To learn more about our commitment to sustainability, check out the additional resources available on our website.

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