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4 key benefits of implementing mobile device management (MDM)

4 key benefits of implementing mobile device management (MDM)

The unfortunate truth is that workplace modernization is a more nebulous process right now than it’s ever been. Everything used to be so simple – you had an office facility, you had employees who each sat at a desk, you gave each one a computer, and that was it. But the game has changed now. People have more flexibility, more autonomy. Many workers are remote, or working in hybrid roles, and they have far greater control over what devices they use, plus when, where, and how they use them.

This has naturally given way to an era of bring your own device (BYOD). BYOD is a concept that allows employees to use their own personal devices for work – often including laptops, tablets, smartphones, and so on. The policy is popular among startups and small businesses, as it frees up capital that the organizations might otherwise have to spend on devices.

But here’s the rub: From a security perspective, BYOD can be a nightmare. How are you supposed to manage a device that your employee bought of their own volition and controls all by themselves? How do you keep the device – not to mention all the data on it – protected?

Thankfully, there’s a solution that’s well suited to handling these challenges presented by the modern era, and that’s mobile device management (MDM). When you have an MDM framework in place, you’re able to ensure that every device your employees use for work is configured according to your organization’s policies and standards. You can also manage updates for devices, software, and applications in a centralized, scalable manner, as well as ensure that employees use applications as per your organization’s usage policy.

When you adopt MDM, you’re sure to see a host of benefits for your business. Let’s run through a few of them…

  • Easier management. One of the primary benefits of MDM is the ability to quickly provision users and get them up and running fast. Beyond that, you’re also able to monitor and manage all your employees’ devices, no matter where they are. This includes installing and configuring applications as well as maintaining security. The entire process is simple and streamlined.
  • More comprehensive support. There are all different kinds of mobile devices – different manufacturers, different operating systems, different apps and workflows and communication channels. For the typical IT team, it can be difficult to support this sort of diverse ecosystem. With MDM, though, all of that is taken care of.
  • More straightforward updates. Mobile devices require updates all the time, whether for security or user experience or any number of other reasons. From a corporate IT standpoint, you want to make sure employees are handling these updates in a timely fashion, but BYOD makes that process difficult to manage. With MDM, however, all of that is under your control.
  • Improved security and compliance. Whenever your employees use their personal devices for work, there’s going to be sensitive data involved, whether it’s in an email, a document, or anywhere else. MDM enables them to protect this data, segregating it from other data that’s on the user’s personal device and making sure all security and compliance policies are adhered to. These days, with all the cyber-risks out there in the world, this is essential.

Mobile device management is an essential aspect of any modern IT infrastructure – and at Zones, we’re ready to make it a part of yours. We’ve been working throughout the last two years on delivering timely solutions to meet the needs of the modern remote workforce, and MDM is most definitely a component of that. With our approach to MDM, you’ll be able to manage all of your employees’ hardware and software assets from end to end. We offer services like mention Zones Zero-Touch and Zones White Glove, both of which are designed to make deployment and management simple and easy for IT.

If you’d like to explore this possibility in greater detail, all you’ve got to do is download our eBook, which runs through our most essential tips on implementing an MDM solution.

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