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Ensuring critical high availability for healthcare

Ensuring critical high availability for healthcare

Healthcare relies on timely, correct, and protected information to safely provide life-saving care. Having access to the right information at the point of care improves outcomes and reduces risk. Yet, the explosion of data, multiple sources of truth, and infinite storage locations have made that critical responsibility challenging.

As critical infrastructure, healthcare must be up against all odds. I can’t think of a single disaster where healthcare providers aren’t critical to an effective response. In addition, clinician demand requires less than a two-second response time for a number of heterogeneous systems.

Veritas InfoScale provides high availability for your critical systems, regardless of the operating system or failover target. The same technology that 10 of the top 10 telecom, banking, and finance companies use to provide constant access is also now available in healthcare. Whether you’re failing a system over within your data center, to a disaster recovery (DR) site, or even to the cloud, InfoScale will provide the confidence you need for success. And InfoScale delivers application-specific high availability for more than complete hardware failures or virtual systems, either on-prem or in the cloud.

Many of the country’s largest healthcare systems have recognized that the increasing complexity of legacy, virtual, and system interdependence requires an orchestration engine you can trust. That’s why healthcare has been widely adopting the Veritas Resiliency Platform as a valued DR orchestration engine. Resiliency Platform can orchestrate all levels of DR for a single system or a dependent group of applications — all with the click of a button. This capability reduces resource dependency and provides an all-important “fire drill” button to non-intrusively test and prove you are meeting your DR requirements under HIPAA. Many EMR vendors are now requiring annual tests due to the impact of disasters on healthcare over the years. Resiliency Platform offers an excellent way to prove you meet your EMR requirements for DR and achieve lower maintenance costs.

Imagine taking the money you currently spend on idle hardware and software and investing in true innovation. How much money could you save if you had the confidence to failover to the cloud and only pay for it when you needed it? At Veritas, the belief is that this approach is revolutionary and will be a big motivator for cloud adoption in the healthcare industry.

Want to know more about the Veritas solutions Zones has to offer? You’re in the right place – just read on.

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Rick Bryant is a National Healthcare Architect and ransomware expert at Veritas Technologies LLC.

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