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Do you have a plan for securing your newfound SaaS data?

Do you have a plan for securing your newfound SaaS data?

This has been a year of adaptation for many businesses. With so many workers handling their daily responsibilities remotely now, corporate IT departments have had to adapt and find ways to accommodate them. Often, this means data center transformation. They’re forced to realign the way they manage data, making it easy for employees to access and share, even when they’re not in the office.

In a lot of cases, this means pivoting to entirely new data management platforms. There’s been a clear uptick in companies using Software as a Service (SaaS) solutions for curating files lately – Microsoft tools such as Office 365, SharePoint, OneDrive, and Teams are all becoming more prevalent in the workplace. These platforms allow professionals to access data, communicate in real time, and collaborate to tackle even the most complex projects together. We’ve seen a real paradigm shift – companies used to store their most mission-critical data on premises, but now it’s moving toward these cloud-centric solutions.

This brings us to a pivotal question. If your organization is using these cloud tools on a regular basis, what are you doing to protect all that data? There’s a common misconception that SaaS data in the cloud is inherently safe – it isn’t necessarily. The SaaS solutions themselves tend to be reliable ones, but the burden is still on you to protect your data and establish retention policies to ensure you have complete control over it.

The problem is that traditionally, many businesses set up plans for business continuity and disaster recovery that have an on-prem focus. They start with protecting key databases and other mission-critical applications that are housed within their facilities; all else is secondary. This worked fine under the old paradigm, but with so many companies going the SaaS route nowadays, a new approach to security is essential. The amount of unstructured data that SaaS products generate is growing at an unsustainable rate, and companies’ security plans aren’t adapting quickly enough to keep pace.

This is a serious challenge. But at Zones, we’re in the business of finding solutions. One such solution is Veeam Backup for Microsoft Office 365, which offers comprehensive security against all sorts of potential cyber issues. Whether you’re worried about an internal security threat, an external one, a gap in retention policies, or just accidental data loss, Veeam Backup bolsters your defenses against all of the above.

One of our strengths at Zones is our ability to work with clients on strengthening their frameworks for business continuity and disaster recovery. We develop reliable solutions that decrease recovery speed and cut costs for clients everywhere. And because we have strong relationships with our many partners in the tech industry – including Microsoft and Veeam – we’re able to collaborate with them and draw up your roadmap to a safe and secure future.

Want to get started with us? The first step is to sign up for a Disaster Recovery Assessment. We’ll take it from there.

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