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4 ways your business can benefit from a refreshed server architecture

4 ways your business can benefit from a refreshed server architecture

For any business that’s looking for a source of competitive advantage in a crowded marketplace, there are few better decisions than investing in data center transformation. No matter what line of business you’re in, efficiency is key – when your people achieve more each day, you rake in more revenue, and there’s a clear path to greater profits and faster growth. So if you invest in a better infrastructure – and, specifically, in better servers – your investment is likely to pay for itself before long.

Unfortunately, many companies struggle to update their servers as often as they should. According to research from IDC, more than 50% of organizations replace their server infrastructure every five years, or after even longer than that; as a result, they often deal with both unplanned downtime and a lot of time wasted on compliance and maintenance issues. Ideally, these organizations would handle server replacement on shorter cycles – every three years, or less, would yield better results.

Why does this matter? Quite a few reasons, in fact. IDC found that for mid-size companies especially, timely server upgrades can yield a number of benefits. They’ll find their IT infrastructure to be more reliable, more powerful, and more resilient over the long haul – and this, in turn, manifests in several benefits that show up every day. Let’s walk through a few of them:

  • A more productive staff. When you upgrade your servers, your employees have a more high-performing architecture that enables them to complete their work more efficiently each day. They’ll be more productive, and they’ll also be happier because they’ll have fewer concerns about unexpected downtime or other IT mishaps.
  • Better customer service. When your employees can work more effectively, they can also do a better job serving customers. Their interactions with your customer base will be faster, more responsive, and ultimately create a smoother experience for everyone. This should drive better results for your business.
  • Lower operating costs. Here’s a fast fact: According to IDC’s research, companies that upgrade their servers on average enjoy a total cost of operations that’s $369,000 lower each year than those that don’t. Because your infrastructure runs more smoothly and there are fewer outages and delays, you won’t have to worry about waste in your IT budget.
  • Long-term business improvement. Hitting your numbers each year is a laudable goal, but ideally you don’t just want to shoot even par – you want to go above and beyond expectations, driving business growth over the long haul. The best way to make this happen is to start with a better technology backbone. Once you have high-performing IT you can count on, it’s far easier to make large, scalable improvements.

When it comes to improving your IT, Dell Technologies is right there, ready to spring to action for you. Dell Technologies has always worked to create solutions that drive digital transformation – including PowerEdge servers and the OpenManage IT management platform, both of which can drive your business forward in a major way. And at Zones, we’re a proud Dell Technologies partner, which means we can deploy all the solutions you need quickly and effectively.

To take a deeper dive into all the possibilities, check out our eBook on the benefits of refreshing your server architecture.

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