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Unburden your IT team with the help of a capable service desk

Unburden your IT team with the help of a capable service desk

Around the business world today, “workplace modernization” is a buzzword you hear a lot. Many corporate IT leaders are talking about the importance of giving their employees the latest devices and apps to help them do their jobs every day. But have you ever really thought about why?

Here’s a key reason: The changing workforce demands it. Today, millennials make up almost exactly one third of the American workforce, and these individuals view their devices as extensions of themselves. If they don’t have the latest technology, they’re bound to feel less engaged and less motivated.

And in many workplaces today, that is indeed a problem. In fact, according to CIO, 40% of today’s employees say that their companies’ IT departments are “completely out of touch” with their needs. Nicholas McQuire, vice president of enterprise research at CCS Insight, told the publication that this should be a key point of emphasis.

“Improving the employee experience is an area historically underplayed by IT, especially when it came to their ‘digital transformation’ investments which were all about focusing on the customer,” McQuire said. “Companies are slowly realizing that the employee experience is as valuable, if not more in some cases, as the customer experience, but many still have a ways to go on this.”

Here’s the thing – the key to modernizing office technology isn’t just buying the right devices. It’s providing the support that people need as well. Today’s employees rely on a wide range of desktops, laptops, tablets, phones, and more for completing their everyday projects, and if just one device in that ecosystem breaks down, the whole machine can crumble. This is why, behind every successful business, there’s a comprehensive service desk that helps users manage their devices – all of them, from end to end.

At Zones, that’s exactly what we provide. Our Service Desk offering is here to unburden your IT team members. Rather than taxing your people on a daily basis by making them handle countless support calls, you can simply adopt a Device as a Service (DaaS) solution that comes with service included. Our IT experts are available 24/7 to address any issues that come your way.

We understand that your IT department is working with limited resources. Anything you can do to increase efficiency and cut out laborious tasks is a blessing. That’s why we work to eliminate responsibilities from your team’s daily grind, freeing them up to focus on more strategic initiatives that will move your company forward. We follow a service desk methodology that’s based on proven best practices and is guaranteed to lead to the best customer experience possible.

This is the unique value proposition we offer at Zones. We don’t just give you laptops and mobile devices – we give you the service you need to manage them, which in turn gives you the time and energy you need to lead your business forward. What we’re ultimately doing is putting you on the fast track to success.

To get the full rundown of Zones’ Workplace Modernization capabilities, you don’t have to look far. Our website is loaded with resources for you.

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