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Are you ready to make the leap into MDM?

Are you ready to make the leap into MDM?

Managing IT isn’t just about putting desktop computers on your employees’ desks anymore. Workplace modernization is everywhere you look – people today are obsessed with their mobile devices, and those devices are naturally permeating the way we complete basic work tasks every day. Consider this. According to the latest “Mobile, Smartphone, And Tablet Forecast” from Forrester Analytics, the total number of smartphone subscribers in the world is expected to reach 3.9 billion by the year 2023. That’s more than half the world’s population.

There’s no sense in trying to resist the growth of mobile devices – it’s happening whether you like it or not. Mobile, quite simply, is a way of life. This means your organization must have an infrastructure in place to manage people’s device use, keeping them efficient and secure at all times.

In other words, what you need is MDM.

According to Spiceworks, it’s imperative that organizations implement mobile device management (MDM) policies as soon as possible, using management solutions that will govern the way people use devices inside the workplace and out. Once they do so, they’ll be able to decrease their risk of security and compliance violations and set their people off on the fast track to success.

Why wait any longer to make that leap? Consider a few of the reasons to adopt MDM now:

  • MDM enhances workplace device security. One of the major concerns that companies have about mobile devices is the risk of an employee’s device being lost or stolen. With a good MDM platform in place, you won’t have to worry – if this ever happens, you can remotely wipe the device and keep your company’s proprietary data safe. Additionally, when employees leave, you can separate corporate data from users’ personal data and easily remove the former. Lastly, MDM improves the way security software and policies are implemented, delivered, and managed so human error doesn’t cause sensitive proprietary or customer data to be put at risk.
  • MDM enables fast scalability. One of the toughest parts of managing IT is dealing with changing staffing needs. Are you growing your business? Downsizing? Transferring employees to a new location? Bringing in new people on a seasonal basis? Whenever you change your personnel, your device needs change as well. With the right MDM plan, you can easily scale up or scale down to keep pace with the times by centrally managing the deployment of the devices your user base relies upon.
  • MDM means less work for you! How are you onboarding and managing new mobile device users currently? Are you giving them new devices on a piecemeal basis, then dealing with each new service request as it comes, one at a time? That can be a major hassle – and it’s not necessary. Instead, MDM can make it easy to centralize credentials, settings, and profiles for all your employees, meaning everything is streamlined and your IT team saves precious time. MDM solutions also incorporate employee self-service, meaning you have to deal with fewer ad-hoc requests and people are able to troubleshoot their own devices quickly without waiting for manual steps from IT.

If you’re ready to make MDM a reality for your organization, we can help with that. At Zones, we have a team of Solution Architects who are highly skilled at designing and deploying MDM solutions. We also have strong relationships with all the leading device manufacturers – with a strong focus on Microsoft, VMware, and Jamf – which means we can always find the platform that will help you meet your workplace device management vision.

Mobile devices are a fundamental part of your employees’ daily routine. This is the reality, and you might as well adjust to it. With an MDM solution from us, you can make that adjustment with ease, and you’ll save all kinds of time and money when you do.

Success in business today is all about Workplace Modernization. Click below to learn about the full range of services we can offer in that realm.

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