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5 benefits of investing in a security operations center (SOC)

5 benefits of investing in a security operations center (SOC)

The sad truth about today’s business environment is that cyberattacks are inevitable. Somewhere in the world, a new attack is happening every few seconds – and the majority of the time, the business being attacked lacks the infrastructure needed to defend themselves. For today’s corporate leaders, the challenge is to find security fortification tools that get the job done while still being cost-effective. It’s not easy.

Security is only becoming more complex nowadays. In many cases, the modern business has to worry about much more than just their physical infrastructure – they’ve got to care for a wide range of remote and hybrid users, as well as all of the devices and endpoints that come with that.

According to The Motley Fool, many business leaders are realizing they can’t handle all of this using just their existing security infrastructure. That’s why so many right now are turning to a security operations center (SOC) to help keep them safe.

For a smaller business, a traditional IT team may be up to the job of managing security. But as your organization grows, and your needs become more complex, having a SOC will only become more and more beneficial. Let’s take a deep dive into the reasons why:

Comprehensive coverage

With a SOC in your corner, you can make sure every aspect of cybersecurity is covered. This includes any and all weaknesses or deficiencies, as well as proactive defenses against a wide range of potential threats.

Risk mitigation

It’s difficult to understand the full scope of the risks your business might be facing. In addition to the cyberthreats that are out there today, there are also many potential attack vectors emerging in future years. The SOC can help identify, prevent, and mitigate these threats before they get out of hand, rather than responding after the fact.

Cost reduction

The cost of a possible cyberattack can be massive. Even a few hours of downtime can lead to tens of thousands in lost revenue for your business. By investing in a robust defense, you can protect your business from incurring devastating losses in the event of a data breach

Centralized security

Do you know where your security operations are managed? For some organizations, it’s scattered – there’s one location for managing the on-premises environment, another for the data center, another for the cloud, and so on. The SOC model puts all your security resources in one place, making for much easier management.

A better reputation

These days, it’s not just companies that are concerned about security – it’s individual consumers, too. When people do business with a brand, they want to sleep easy knowing their data will be safe. When you invest in the security of a SOC, you put the word out to customers that you value security. That will speak volumes.

Investing in security is vital nowadays. And at Zones, we can help you do it. Our Security Operations Center as a Service (SOCaaS) offering is designed to give you a high degree of real-time security monitoring, which means you’ll always have visibility into what’s happening in your environment. You’ll also have access to advanced contextual analysis and customized reports and dashboards that will help you prevent threats.

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