Zones Blog

Not all clouds are created equal

Written by Zones | Jan 17, 2017 4:30:30 PM

Why it’s important to optimize yours to stay cloud compliant

It’s a given that many smart companies, big and small, are moving to the cloud at breakneck speed. They’re looking to increase productivity, enhance collaboration, ensure business continuity, and reap the cost benefits. But a move to the cloud also presents potential risks as security and compliance protocols also move from your servers to someone else’s.

Cloud compliance is an issue for anyone using cloud storage or backup services, and the decisions you make regarding where it’s stored, how it’s shared, and who has access to it can greatly impact the operations of your business.

That’s why now – more than ever – it’s important to evaluate and optimize your cloud computing environment.

There are also industry-specific regulations to consider: PCI DSS, SOX, and HIPAA. If your cloud communications provider is not compliant, then chances are that you are not compliant either. HIPAA, for example, with its stringent compliancy requirements, is a major reason why many hospitals and healthcare companies are reluctant to move their data to the cloud.

The Cloud team at Zones can help you determine the best security and compliance strategy for your business going forward. They’re experts in cloud computing and are ready and able to assist you with a range of cloud options and strategic guidance before, during, and after migration. As the headline to this blog asserts, not all clouds are created equal. We’ll guide you to solutions that are the best fit for your organization.

The first step to optimizing your cloud and achieving cloud compliance is our cloud optimization services, which include cloud application re-architecture; mobile application development; security assessments; automation development of cloud platforms; development and testing.

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